Bodyguard Jobs
The world is an increasingly dangerous place to do business and sometimes for certain individuals even to live as an unprotected person. This is true here in the United States and increasingly more overseas. Body guard jobs are increasing around the globe. Politicians, celebrities, and wealthy families are some of the people who need personal protection.
Bodyguard jobs come with diverse job descriptions. Protection of an individual from bodily harm, assault, stalking, or embarrassment are the main duties. Common day-to-day duties could include standing by a client's car or front entry to their estate. Individuals with bodyguard jobs stay alert while holding bags or sitting in a car while the protected person conducts their day-to-day activities. While these duties seem mundane, they are what comprise most of bodyguard jobs here in the United States.
Overseas bodyguard jobs are more dangerous. Bomb threat diffusion is a major task that tops the list for bodyguards working overseas. They travel a lot of the time and must be ready to move quickly. It is important that bodyguards have heightened interpersonal communication skills so they are able to communicate effectively in an intense situation. A whole team of protection is sometimes needed when a large threat exists. Bodyguard jobs in the middle east have become plentiful as the United States begin more rebuilding tasks in the region. In fact, most state personnel that reside in an unstable region require bodily protection and personal assistance.
Most bodyguard jobs stem from a certain individual growing to need more personal protection than the police can give. The majority of bodyguards come from a law enforcement or military background. Most states require that individuals seeking bodyguard jobs possess security guard training and a license. Training for the license is at least 8 hours. More and more colleges are carrying degrees in terrorism studies or protection. These degree programs include classes in weapons studies, geography, history, self-defense, and language arts. The degrees range from a certificate all the way to a masters degree.
As in most other studies, field experience is the most sought after quality that bodyguard staffing agencies look for. Security experience coupled with an education is a civilian's quickest route in getting body guard jobs.
Bodyguard jobs often times require the individual holding them to have an extremely formidable presence. Individuals achieve this by remaining in peak physical fitness. Sometimes this can seems like an on going full-time job on its own. Building bulk and muscle mass may require personalized gym time and the help of a nutritionist. Overseas training is more difficult. There are not always local facilities that are appropriate places to train. Self discipline is an art form practiced by bodyguards. Self defense training is required by most body guard jobs.
When researching bodyguard jobs it is good to first find a bodyguard staffing agency in your region. Bodyguards sometimes work in teams taking alternating 6-8 hour shifts. The pay scale differs widely from region to region. There is no official government job or even certification in personal protection. Therefore the pay range is largely based around privatized opportunities. Working here in the US, bodyguards can expect to be paid at least $45,000 a year. Job opportunities overseas pay quite a bit more. The highest paying body guard jobs tend to be had by those working for popular celebrities and their families.
Exotic and exciting prospects are opening for individuals possessing the qualities that will make them good at personal and crowd protection. Bodyguard jobs will grow in number as more people require the service.