Bodyguard Job in Sri Lanka
A bodyguard job is a high profile job where high profile people across the world rely on professional bodyguards for their security. However, bodyguard jobs are often mistaken for security jobs. A Bodyguard is not a security guard who generally carries out security activities like providing security at an office premise, shopping mall, and educational institution etc after acquiring a license. In fact bodyguards are close protection agents who escort dignitaries and celebrities and provide high lever security.
There are quite a few number of security services companies which provide body guard job in Sri Lanka. Every security company is committed to provide personal bodyguards, close protection officers for celebrities and world class international bodyguard VIP Protection Officers to its clients. Every professional bodyguard in Sri Lanka is trained in Anti-Ambush Tactics, Weapons Disarming Procedures and Anti-Terrorism Techniques to provide high level security to their clients and protect them from threats like harassment, kidnapping, stalking and in adverse situation "Death." The Industrial Security Foundation of Sri Lanka has trained the officers of all such security companies to work in commercial and hostile environments and provide best bodyguard job in Sri Lanka.
There are many different of bodyguard job in Sri Lanka with different scope and different responsibilities. Bodyguard job in Sri Lanka is subdivided with few categories which are listed below.
- VIP Escorts - Close protection groups or bodyguards both mobile and stationery are provided for VVIP’s. The protection package includes Pre-analysis of Mission requirements, Survey and Intermediate protection and implementation of a Protection Plan.
- Motorcycle Escorts – Motorcycle guard or escorts are provided to VIP’s and high profile guests. These bodyguards are part of the Special Task force and are trained to handle any kind of adverse situation.
- Cash Escorts – Cash escorts or body guards with equipped armored vehicles are provided to banks or financial institutions for transferring cash from one destination to another.
Before you apply for a bodyguard job in Sri Lanka, you need to have basic education and certain degrees determined by the institution. Also, you need to attend specialized training to prepare yourself to become a professional bodyguard.
To become a professional bodyguard you need to have perfect healthy body with no aliment and perfect vision and mental state. Also, people skills and interaction abilities are a must as this job requires maximum people interaction. People with college degree in law enforcement, military or government security intelligence have better chances to get the job.
Bodyguards are responsible for their clients' life and hence need to be trained in use of strategic defense, weapons and firearms, martial arts etc. The job of a bodyguard is not an easy one. One needs to be very strong physically and mentally to cope with the high level threat to their clients.
If you are looking for body guard job in Sri Lanka, it is essential that you collect all information about the pre-requisites of the job. You can research on the internet to find all relevant information about the institutions which provide body guard job in Sri Lanka along with the pay structures.