Bodyguard jobs in Germany
When one thinks of working as a bodyguard, visions of silent, black-suited men crowded around a celebrity or head of state are usually what spring to mind. While this is certainly part of the truth, bodyguard jobs aren't always so "Hollywood". If you're on a mission to fill one of the openings for the various bodyguard jobs in Germany (or anywhere else, for that matter), there are a few things you should know. For instance, what does the job pay? What are the working conditions like? Are there benefits, and do they outweigh the potential level of risk inherent in such a profession? Make no mistake about it: Working as a bodyguard can be a dangerous way to pay your bills. It only makes sense that you arm yourself with as much information as possible - after all, a bodyguard's most prized asset is intelligence.
What it Takes to be a Bodyguard
The life of a bodyguard, by definition, is less important than that of his charge(s). If that gives you pause, even for a second, then this line of work is not for you. When approaching employers about bodyguard jobs in Germany, it should be obvious that a high level of proficiency in German is required, because, while it may not be the only language used during your employment, your adversaries will certainly speak it, to say nothing of the people you are assigned to protect. Additionally, any prior training (like military experience) that you might be able to offer to your possible employers is a definite bonus.
The day-to-day routine of the wealthy businessman, politician, or celebrity whom you must keep safe is a frenetic one; if you are physically unfit, you are worse than useless to them. A bodyguard must be possessed of excellent eyesight & hearing, as well as above-average physical endurance and strength. Beyond these things, a bodyguard must cultivate and employ a sort of "sixth sense" for danger. In civilian life, it would be called paranoia, but when your life and the lives of your employer depend on noticing the out-of-place, the potential trouble spots, and whether or not you can memorize a floor plan (Do you know where your exits are?), it's simply called a job requirement.
A note on firearms: When seeking employment as a bodyguard, especially if you are not native to Germany, permits and the like may be required in order for you to legally carry firearms. If such a measure is deemed necessary, your employer(s) may be able to help you streamline this process. A gun battle should always be the last resort, but sometimes, it comes to that, and you don't want to be caught out because you forgot to sign a form.
Benefits, Salary, and Other Perks of the Job
An average salary for a bodyguard hovers around $50,000 dollars per year, with more experienced bodyguards earning more. If your work is more specialized in nature, this can also increase your salary. When applying for bodyguard jobs in Germany, it is important to note the possibility of receiving your pay in Euros, as that is the de-facto currency of the European Union. Other arrangements can of course be made, if that is an issue of some concern.
More intangible "perks" of the job include close & constant contact with important people, many and varied travel opportunities, and, depending on the nature of your employment, even insurance & more traditional bonuses.
As you can see, the life of a bodyguard is not for everyone. The nature of such employment means that your life will be one of long periods of monotony, interspersed with brief periods of danger (or, at the very least, of action). A day at the beach can easily turn deadly, and many people just aren't willing to earn a paycheck in such a way. However, if such a life sounds appealing to you, then perhaps it might serve you well to apply to one of the several bodyguard jobs in Germany listed below. Good luck!