Bodyguard jobs in New Zealand
Landing a bodyguard job in New Zealand need not be an arduous task, right? You need to know where to start from and also package yourself appropriately for the job. This entails making sure that you have all the necessary qualifications that may increase your chances of securing the job since there might be other competitors who are also eyeing similar posts as you do. There are some professional security training companies and agencies that offer you the professional training to enable you handle the challenges of the bodyguard job.
Where do you start from?
Whether you are looking for a full time or part time bodyguard jobs in New Zealand, you could start with the most traditional method that have been used successfully by many people:cold calling. Searching for a job without being invited is a great way of looking for a job since you stand better chances of success because not so many people will hand in their applications. However, you need not do it haphazardly, make a list of the companies that you are interested in, considering their geographical location and also ranking them by their reputation. You could also get to know of some openings for bodyguard jobs in New Zealand through recruitment agencies and online sources. This makes it important that you try some little research. However, the level at which you will push the envelope is solely dependent on you.
After listing down the companies that you would like to work with as a bodyguard in New Zealand, it's important that you make a personal visit to their premises and ask to meet the person who has the mandate to hire employees. It's important that you meet the head of the guarding division since his or her office has immense powers to decide on your fate. It's also important that you persist consistently until when you have got your request sorted out or until when you are sure nothing can work out in your favor.
It's important that you write a cover letter and make an official application addressed to the person that you have met. It's important that you draft a letter that stands out among the many that are received on daily basis. State clearly that you are applying for the bodyguard position, state what motivates you and also have a clean copy of your resume attached.
Making a Follow UP
Bodyguard jobs in New Zealand is as competitive as other jobs hence making a follow up are important. After a reasonable period of time, take a bold step and make a phone call to the person that you addressed your application to. This shows the potential employer of seriousness in your part. Try to negotiate for an interview with your prospective employer .The more the interviews you get, the better your chances of getting one of the many bodyguard jobs in New Zealand. It's important that you be courteous and not pushy as this may reflect negatively on your personality and character.
By making sure that you follow these steps and also combining them with other job hunting rules such as appropriate dressing, thank you letters and phone mannerisms, nothing can stand in your way. You will definitely improve the chances of getting your dream job in New Zealand.