Bodyguard jobs in Pakistan
Pakistan has always been perceived by the world as one of the most terrorism prone countries in the world. 9/11, 26/11 this entirely plagued the world. The government is not obviously adequate to provide for so many people in the country. The death of Benazir Bhutto itself proved how many loop holes are there in the security system. Besides terrorism the internal security system is as dicey there.
Government security companies: No more the only recruiters
Government security agencies are no more the only ones supplying the needy with personal security. The private players now have a big say in the security of the concerned. It's emerged as one of the most profitable of businesses globally. Well trained personal bodyguards are a need of time and the government agencies do not seem to have sufficient manpower to support this need. Working in a security company has thus now emerged as a big employment opportunity. People trust the private players at par and sometimes even more than their government players and do not take a second to pay up for it.
The instable social and political system in Pakistan calls for added security
Since the social system there is such, the class stratification is much higher. The cities and places are unsafe for all. But politicians and high up businessmen need protection more. They are always on the hit list. The political scenario in the country is grave. A host of military rules have existed in this country and dictatorial regime hasn't done much good but only created more agony and anger in the hearts of the underprivileged that are always at logger heads with those high up. The country is pretty much in a mess with security issues hovering on every citizen. In these strained conditions, the jobs of a bodyguard can never be short in demand. Security is one the foremost concerns for every one in Pakistan now a days. And there are agencies available to provide private security services to people as most cannot trust the government provided aids and incentives regarding this. Basically it is almost impossible anyone less than the best when it comes to risk to one's life.
Process of recruitment
The security agencies recruit on the basis of merit. The scrutiny is done very strictly as the risk of life and death is involved here. Any amount of inefficiency or lack of can be fatal for the one involved. These guards are in no way unskilled; in fact they have been trained in levels higher and better than government guards at times. They are paid high and these guards' services are easily affordable by everybody. It isn't all that expensive. These people pick up common regular men and train them to be security guards.
The added threat adds to the need
There are journalists who have studied and concluded that the maximum money spent by people in major cities like Islamabad, Lahore and Karachi is to ensure their security means. Especially due to its issues with India, Pakistani politicians always take strong security to ensure their safety. The aura of destruction very prevalent there is just bad for people living there. People living under constant protection, taking security to feel safe is indeed a sad tale to tell.
Scope for bodyguards in Pakistan
The situation has become so grave that in no way can the demand of security reduce anytime soon. There has been mass scale damage to property and people due to lack of security. So now the priority of every Pakistani citizen is to first ensure he and his family is safe. The middle class people are also appointing bodyguards to pick up their kids, escort their women out and so on. Since the poverty level is high in the country, robbery and other such crimes are only on the rise and therefore bodyguards are utmost necessity there.