Bodyguard Jobs in Australia
Even though there are a number of bodyguard jobs in Australia, compared to openings in other industries, but not everyone can avail the same. It is necessary for you to comply with specific job criteria, before joining a Bodyguard job. Generally, to make yourself suitable for the post, you need to enroll yourself into a bodyguard specialized training course.
The majority of the bodyguard specialized training courses is planned in such a way, so that you can get well acquainted with the essential self-defense techniques. It also helps you in getting proper first-aid training as well as one in handling weapons. Even though many bodyguard jobs in Australia do not require you to use a weapon, but you can come across a few where you need to carry weapons at all times.
An individual, who has received Martial arts or Military training, is generally highly favored in this industry. It is their expertise, which turns out to be of great advantage in specific bodyguard positions. Even though the chances of you facing with a situation where you have to physically wrestle with someone can be quite low, you may find yourself in such a situation once in a while. For such unpredictable combats, acquaintance with self-defense techniques will prove to be quite beneficial.
The nature of bodyguard jobs in Australia tends to differ from one to another. There are different types of bodyguard jobs. For instance, a lot of music and film stars frequently employ bodyguards for protection from the risks of being kidnapped. Again, they use such services to shield themselves from the likelihood of being assaulted by an over-enthusiastic fan.
There are even less attractive opportunities as well. For instance, you may require guarding a shopping mall, bank or personal properties, especially at night. In many cases, these bodyguard posts will require you to be by yourself. Hence, in such instances, your self-defense expertise will prove to be handy.
As a bodyguard, you are responsible to protect the lives of other people. To do so, you need to have adequate training in first aid. For instance, if in a shooting episode, anyone gets injured, then it is your job to look after the injured person till the arrival of the ambulance.
Fitness also plays a significant part in bodyguard jobs in Australia, especially when you need to chase someone, or require detaining a dangerous individual. If you are fit, then you will surely have the added advantage, when combating someone. Even though bodyguards do not possess official powers similar to that of the law enforcement, they tend to play a significant part as a helpful associate in cooperation with the law enforcement force. Bodyguards often perform an important function within the society, ensuring that everybody can live comfortably and safely. The quiet role played by a bodyguard is often necessary in the prevention of kidnappings, public brawls, bank robberies, as well as various other kinds of incidents.
So, prepare yourself well, as that will be your only ticket to bodyguard jobs in Australia.